At what rate does the sun generate in PvZ2?
Solution 1:
I just tested this.
At the start of a game, I planted one sunflower.
One sun dropped before the sunflower produced its first sun.
By the time the first zombie appeared, 5 suns total had dropped, and the single sunflower had only produced one sun.
The rate of both sun drops and sunflower production appears fixed. A single sunflower appears to produce sun approximately every 20 seconds or so (I was not using a stopwatch, so my count may have been slightly fast, but I counted 21, 22, 21, and 21 approximate second intervals for a single sunflower; my counts for a double sunflower were similar, to +/- 1 approximate second).
Sun drops, on the other hand, appear to drop regularly approximately every 5 seconds.