How do you get a list of changes from a Subversion repository by date range?

Solution 1:

Very first hit by google for "svn log date range":

So svn log <url> -r {2008-09-19}:{2008-09-26} will get all changes for the past week, including today.

And if you want to generate reports for a repo, there's a solution: Statsvn.


Solution 2:

You can use dates the same as you can use revision numbers. The syntax is {yyyy-mm-dd}. So, for all changes between 12:00am on September 23 and 12am on September 24, do:

svn log -v -r {2008-09-23}:{2008-09-24} > report.txt

Solution 3:

svn log -r '{2013-9-23}:{2013-9-24}'

This is might be the correct syntex.
Quotes are required to get the correct results.

Solution 4:

The -v is important if you want to see a list of the actual changes (over and above the log messages... if any! ;) )