How do I change two letters closest to a string and one letter immediately after a string using Notepad++?

I have a list of emails, and I want to change the two letters before "@" and the first letter after "@" using Notepad++.

For example:

[email protected]



Solution 1:

I want to change the two letters before "@" and the first letter after "@"

  • Menu "Search" > "Replace" (or Ctrl + H)

  • Set "Find what" to ..@.

  • Set "Replace with" to **@*

  • Enable "Regular expression"

  • Click "Replace All"

    enter image description here


[email protected]



Further reading

  • How to use regular expressions in Notepad++ (tutorial)
  • Notepad++: A guide to using regular expressions and extended search mode
  • Regular Expressions Tutorial
  • RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
  • regex101: Online regex tester and debugger
  • RegExper: Regular Expression Visualiser

Solution 2:

You can do this by using a regex search/replace.

At the bottom, select Regular Expression.

In the Search for entry, you type in: ..@. In the Replace with, you type in **@*

Then press the button Replace All

This works because Regex searches will only replace if its search criteria matches exactly. The match is explained as follows:

..@. There are 3 dots and an @:

  • @ has no special meaning in regex so it means a literal @.
  • . means any character, exactly once. By writing .. it means 2 characters of any kind, as long as there are 2 characters.