What section heading for a CV, regrouping things you do for the community?

In a university researcher's curriculum vitæ, it is typical to split items between categories such as Education, Research activity, Publications, Teaching, etc. I want to include as a separate categories the things that you do for the community, in my own group and at large (i.e., people from my research domain). This includes things like peer review of publications and funding proposals, organizing seminars and workshops, etc. (Edit: it is part of my job, not volunteer work outside of the scope of my job.)

The term I came up with for the name of that category was “Collective responsibilities”, but I am not satisfied at all with that. What name would you suggest in this context?

Other Professional Activities or Other Professional Responsibilities would suffice, IMHO.

A reasonably granular taxonomy is useful, but only up to a point - at which time, it is useful to have a catch-all category.

EDIT: How about Professional Community Activities/Responsibilities? Say it how it is... you need the professional to clarify it is work-related, the * Community* to indicate the nature of the work, and optionally - Activities or Responsibilities - if the title is too long, you could arguably trim this last word without compromising the meaning.

Alternatively, if you don't feel the need to stress Professional, Community Activity might suffice.

If it's something that you do in your own free time that you don't get paid for, then Volunteer Work carries none of the negative connotations of Community Service whilst essentially meaning the same thing.