How to connect to a remote IIS with INETMGR on WIndows 7

I can't seem to find any way to connect to a remote IIS instance with my local INETMGR on my Windows 7 machine. It shows my settings for my local IIS and everything I've tried from clicking various places on the connections panel, changing the address in the address bar and checking the various menubar menus none seem to offer connect to another machine.

I don't believe this is an easy a process as it used to be.

If you just install the IIS Manager from 'Add/Remove Programs' > 'Turn Windows Features on or off' you will not see the toolbar controls that allow you to connect to a remote server.

Instead, you will need to download the IIS Mangaer for Remote Administration from the IIS site:

If you're trying to connect to IIS7, you need to configure it to allow remote management connections.