The typewriter sequence is an example of a sequence which converges to zero in measure but does not converge to zero a.e.

Could someone explain why it does not converge to zero a.e.?

Note: the typewriter sequence (Example 4).

Solution 1:

I drew the first 63 functions in the sequence to help me understand its convergences. It might help others as well to understand answers given above:

The typewriter sequence

Unfortunately, here I can only attach the rasterized format. In case someone wants to reproduce it, here is the Latex code:




\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\Large,shorten >=-2.5pt,shorten <=-2.5pt] 
    axis x line*=bottom,
    axis y line*=right,
    axis z line*=left,  
    plot box ratio = 3 1000 2,
    xmin=-0.2,    xmax=1.25,         
    ymin=0.6,    ymax=\nMAX+0.3,                                 
    zmin=0,    zmax=1.0,
    x label style={at={(axis description cs:0.067,-0.001)},anchor=north},
    y label style={at={(axis description cs:0.062,0.145)},anchor=south},    
    z label style={at={(axis description cs:-0.002,0.035)},anchor=south},     
    legend entries={$f_n(x)=1\,$,
    legend style={rounded corners=3pt,at={(0.023,0.14)}},   
    legend style={nodes={scale=1.5, transform shape}},
    legend plot pos=right,
\foreach \n in {1, ..., \nMAX} 
        \noexpand\coordinate (d1) at (axis cs:\xm,\n,0);
        \noexpand\coordinate (d2) at (axis cs:\xa,\n,0);    
        \noexpand\coordinate (d3) at (axis cs:\xa,\n,1);
        \noexpand\coordinate (d4) at (axis cs:\xb,\n,1);    
        \noexpand\coordinate (d5) at (axis cs:\xb,\n,0);        
        \noexpand\coordinate (d6) at (axis cs:\xM,\n,0);    
        \noexpand\coordinate (g0) at (axis cs:\xm,\n,1);
        \noexpand\coordinate (g1) at (axis cs:\xM,\n,1);                
    \draw[blue,<-o] (d1)--(d2);
    \draw[black,dashed,line width=0.04mm] (d2)--(d3);
    \draw[red,*-*]   (d3)--(d4);
    \draw[black,dashed,line width=0.04mm] (d4)--(d5);       
    \draw[blue,o->] (d5)--(d6); 
    \draw[black,dashed,line width=0.04mm] (g0)--(g1);   
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0, ..., \xGrSamp} 
    \draw[black,dashed,line width=0.06mm] (axis cs:#1/\xGrSamp,0,0)--(axis cs:#1/\xGrSamp,\nMAX,0);
\addlegendimage{no markers,red}
\addlegendimage{no markers,blue}
 \node[rectangle,draw,rounded corners=3pt,text width=7.7cm] at (29.3,1.7) 
 {\huge Typewriter Sequence: \\$f_n(x)={\mathbbm{1}}_{[\frac{n-2^k}{2^k},\frac{n-2^k+1}{2^k}]},$\\
    $\forall\, k\geq 0\,\, \&\,\, 2^k\leq n<2^{k+1} $};


Solution 2:

Note that at any choice of $x$ and for any integer $N$, there is an $n>N$ with $f_n(x)=1$. So, the numerical sequence $f_n(x)$ cannot converge to $0$.

Note, however, that we can certainly select a subsequence of this sequence of functions that converges pointwise a.e.