Congruent quadrilaterals in a tri-colored $72$-gon

Solution 1:

This is essentially Problem #7 from Tournament of the Towns, Fall 2011, Junior A-Level and Problem #2 from USAMO 2012.

Tournament of the Towns, Fall 2011, Junior A-Level, Problem #7. Each vertex of a regular 45-gon is red, yellow or green, and there are 15 vertices of each colour. Prove that we can choose three vertices of each color so that the three triangles formed by the chosen vertices of the same color are congruent to one another.

The official solution is here.

USAMO 2012, Problem #2. A circle is divided into 432 congruent arcs by 432 points. The points are colored in four colors such that some 108 points are colored Red, some 108 points are colored Green, some 108 points are colored Blue, and the remaining 108 points are colored Yellow. Prove that one can choose three points of each color in such a way that the four triangles formed by the chosen points of the same color are congruent.

The official solution is here. There is discussion at AoPS here.