Solution 1:

Note, as per the comment, I'd just like to point out that I too recommend using a real type when you need to pass it around the program like this. Anonymous types should only really be used locally in a single method at a time (in my opinion), but anyway, here's the rest of my answer.

You can do it using a trick, by tricking the compiler into inferring the right type for you:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var a = new { Id = 1, Name = "Bob" };

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

        private static void TestMethod(Object x)
            // This is a dummy value, just to get 'a' to be of the right type
            var a = new { Id = 0, Name = "" };
            a = Cast(a, x);
            Console.Out.WriteLine(a.Id + ": " + a.Name);

        private static T Cast<T>(T typeHolder, Object x)
            // typeHolder above is just for compiler magic
            // to infer the type to cast x to
            return (T)x;

The trick is that inside the assembly, the same anonymous type (same properties, same order) resolves to the same type, which makes the trick above work.

private static T CastTo<T>(this Object value, T targetType)
    // targetType above is just for compiler magic
    // to infer the type to cast value to
    return (T)value;


var value = x.CastTo(a);

But we're really pushing the limits here. Use a real type, it'll look and feel cleaner as well.

Solution 2:

Instead of casting to your custom type try using dynamic type.

Your event handler would look something like this:

private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    dynamic option = bsOptions.Current;
    if (option.Id == 1) { doSomething(); }
      else { doSomethingElse(); }

Solution 3:

To quote MSDN:

An anonymous type cannot be cast to any interface or type except for object.