Applescript File vs Alias

I have these two Applescript commands in which they both point to the same file

alias "Macintosh HD:Users:scott:Dropbox:Downloads:AppleScriptFinderGuide.pdf"
file  "Macintosh HD:Users:scott:Dropbox:Downloads:AppleScriptFinderGuide.pdf"

The alias command works just fine. However the file command does not as it reports this error: "Can’t get file "Macintosh HD:Users:scott:Dropbox:Downloads:AppleScriptFinderGuide.pdf"."

Any idea why the file command fails?

Thanks in advance, Scott

Solution 1:

You are not referencing the file correctly.


tell application "Finder" to set myFile to file "Macintosh HD:Users:scott:Dropbox:Downloads:AppleScriptFinderGuide.pdf"