What does "Vector 0xdd(TMR)" do and how can I fix a problem that I'm having with it?

I am currently having problems with kernal_task using ~2GB of RAM and looking at what advice exists I ran sysdiagnose and in powermeterics.txt I found that Vector 0xdd(TMR) was doing ~20,000 interrupts/sec. However, this vector was different than the one the advice that I was looking at suggested would be the problem.

However, clearly this happening is also a problem.

However, when I'm trying to look for what Vector 0xdd(TMR) does, all that I find are the results relating what the advice suggest that the other problem because it is more common and that all the Vectors are often copied together when asking what is going wrong.

So what does this Vector do and now I would go about fixing the fact that it is doing ~20,000 interrupts/sec?

EDIT: While I currently still don't know what is caused this issue, it was resolved by Vladimir's answer below.

Solution 1:

I have two other suggesting that also helped me fix issues that I was having. Both of them are pretty easy too (no need to mess with any system files or change plist or anything else like that).

1) Go to the Disk Utility app on your computer and press the buttons in following picture in the order that they are numbered. This will make OSX scan your hard disk and attempt to fix any potential file permission problems you may have. If this doesn't fix the memory issue, it should a least make your computer run a little smoother. I find that doing this one in a while really helps performance on my computer (which is fairly new by the way, so this helps even on relatively resent systems).

(PS. 1(b) is optional, most likely it will be grayed out anyway unless you run the Disk Utility app from Network Recovery Mode or while running off a separate hard drive.)

<Repair disk permissions with the Disk Utility app OSX>

2) If you have antivirus installed on your Mac and you turned on the Scan Archives option, turn it off. The reason this feature is not on by default is that it affects the computer's performance a lot any time you run a local java program. It sounds like a really cool thing to have on, but it comes with a serious performance draw.

I'm not sure if this will help free up your RAM, but if nothing else helps, this is a quick and easy way to speed up your computer. :)