With no password expire notification at logon in Windows 7, how are you configuring password expire notification?
Solution 1:
This sounds like one of those situations where you make a perfectly sensible configuration choice (disable balloon notifications to improve the user experience). Then something comes up that conflicts with that decision. At that point, you can fudge a compromise (and typically end up with a big mess, or something absurdly complicated in relation to the actual size of the problem). Alternatively, back out your change. In most cases I reckon it's best to take the learning experience, and back out of the earlier decision.
tl;dr Re-enable balloon notifications.
Solution 2:
This is an old post, but I finally updated the script to detect and not respond to non-expiring passwords.
' Check for password expiring notification
' First, get the domain policy.
Dim oDomain
Dim oUser
Dim maxPwdAge
Dim numDays
Dim warningDays
warningDays = 6
Set LoginInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & LoginInfo.UserName & "")
strDomainDN = UCase(LoginInfo.DomainDNSName)
strUserDN = LoginInfo.UserName
' Check if password is non-expiring.
intUserAccountControl = objUser.Get("userAccountControl")
If intUserAccountControl And ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD Then
'WScript.Echo "The password does not expire."
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDomainDN)
Set maxPwdAge = oDomain.Get("maxPwdAge")
' Calculate the number of days that are
' held in this value.
numDays = CCur((maxPwdAge.HighPart * 2 ^ 32) + _
maxPwdAge.LowPart) / CCur(-864000000000)
'WScript.Echo "Maximum Password Age: " & numDays
' Determine the last time that the user
' changed his or her password.
Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
' Add the number of days to the last time
' the password was set.
whenPasswordExpires = DateAdd("d", numDays, oUser.PasswordLastChanged)
fromDate = Date
daysLeft = DateDiff("d",fromDate,whenPasswordExpires)
'WScript.Echo "Password Last Changed: " & oUser.PasswordLastChanged
if (daysLeft < warningDays) and (daysLeft > -1) then
Msgbox "Password Expires in " & daysLeft & " day(s)" & " at " & whenPasswordExpires & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Once logged in, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and" & chr(13) & "select the 'Change a password' option", 0, "PASSWORD EXPIRATION WARNING!"
End if
End if
' Clean up.
Set oUser = Nothing
Set maxPwdAge = Nothing
Set oDomain = Nothing
This was the original answer & script
A VBS script that goes in to your GPO that displays a popup window telling the user their password expires in # days and that the user MUST click OK to dismiss.
It goes in the GPO - User Config - Policies - Admin Templates - System - Logon - Run these programs at user logon. You will also need to add the folder location to IE Trusted Sites to avoid having a popup asking if it should run the script.
' First, get the domain policy.
Dim oDomain
Dim oUser
Dim maxPwdAge
Dim numDays
Dim warningDays
warningDays = 6
Set LoginInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & LoginInfo.UserName & "")
strDomainDN = UCase(LoginInfo.DomainDNSName)
strUserDN = LoginInfo.UserName
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDomainDN)
Set maxPwdAge = oDomain.Get("maxPwdAge")
' Calculate the number of days that are
' held in this value.
numDays = CCur((maxPwdAge.HighPart * 2 ^ 32) + _
maxPwdAge.LowPart) / CCur(-864000000000)
'WScript.Echo "Maximum Password Age: " & numDays
' Determine the last time that the user
' changed his or her password.
Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
' Add the number of days to the last time
' the password was set.
whenPasswordExpires = DateAdd("d", numDays, oUser.PasswordLastChanged)
fromDate = Date
daysLeft = DateDiff("d",fromDate,whenPasswordExpires)
'WScript.Echo "Password Last Changed: " & oUser.PasswordLastChanged
if (daysLeft < warningDays) and (daysLeft > -1) then
Msgbox "Password Expires in " & daysLeft & " day(s)" & " at " & whenPasswordExpires & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Once logged in, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and" & chr(13) & "select the 'Change a password' option", 0, "PASSWORD EXPIRATION WARNING!"
End if
' Clean up.
Set oUser = Nothing
Set maxPwdAge = Nothing
Set oDomain = Nothing