How can I rewrite urls (ala mod_rewrite) for free in IIS 6?

I've got an application I wrote (with cakephp) for the lamp stack and I'm moving it to a windows server. I'm having a lot of trouble with apache for windows (memory and cpu issues) so I would like to use the existing installation of IIS v6 but it seems to lack any url rewriting ability. I have found expensive addins (isapi) but I don't know enough about IIS or the programs around it to know if any are a good idea.

What works and has simple or compatible to mod_rewrite rules that is hopefully free?

Solution 1:

  • Ionic's Isapi Rewrite Filter
  • ISAPI_Rewrite Lite

If you will need more control over the process, or simply want to learn more, check also these links:

  • Rewrite URL / Implement URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
  • A Complete URL Rewriting Solution for ASP.NET 2.0
  • Url Rewriting with ASP.NET

Solution 2:

There's an open source project on codeplex called Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter which is free to use. It's compatible with IIS 6 as well.