Throttling method calls to M requests in N seconds

Solution 1:

I'd use a ring buffer of timestamps with a fixed size of M. Each time the method is called, you check the oldest entry, and if it's less than N seconds in the past, you execute and add another entry, otherwise you sleep for the time difference.

Solution 2:

What worked out of the box for me was Google Guava RateLimiter.

// Allow one request per second
private RateLimiter throttle = RateLimiter.create(1.0);

private void someMethod() {
    // Do something

Solution 3:

In concrete terms, you should be able to implement this with a DelayQueue. Initialize the queue with M Delayed instances with their delay initially set to zero. As requests to the method come in, take a token, which causes the method to block until the throttling requirement has been met. When a token has been taken, add a new token to the queue with a delay of N.