Best phrase for teamwork ready, supportive person

Another word- choice dilemma!

Which word or phrase is best to be used in a resume describing ready for team work; I am familiar whit the phrase teamwork ready, but it actually sounds a bit too impersonal to me. Could there be something more appropriate?

Along that line, I would want to say that I'm a supportive person in a work environment. But I wonder if it's to intimate to use in a resume? I want to say that I'm ready to help, to assist, to be understanding of others and the possible difficulties they might be having, while working together in a team effort.

My question is: does

''a cooperative worker, a supportive, responsible person'',

all together, sound ok, like it could normally be used in a resume?

Solution 1:

Team player comes to mind, and is very common.

Works cooperatively would be, perhaps, more formal.

Forbes recommends:

Instead of “team player,” say “Led project team of 10 to develop a new system for distributing reports that reduced the time for managers to receive reports by 25%.” Using a specific example, you show what you can actually accomplish. But simply labeling yourself with a quality? Not so much.