how to avoid undefined execution order for the constructors when using std::make_tuple

How can I use std::make_tuple if the execution order of the constructors is important?

For example I guess the execution order of the constructor of class A and the constructor of class B is undefined for:

std::tuple<A, B> t(std::make_tuple(A(std::cin), B(std::cin)));

I came to that conclusion after reading a comment to the question

Translating a std::tuple into a template parameter pack

that says that this

template<typename... args>
std::tuple<args...> parse(std::istream &stream) {
  return std::make_tuple(args(stream)...);

implementation has an undefined execution order of the constructors.

Update, providing some context:

To give some more background to what I am trying to do, here is a sketch:

I want to read in some serialized objects from stdin with the help of CodeSynthesis XSD binary parsing/serializing. Here is an example of how such parsing and serialization is done: example/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/driver.cxx

xml_schema::istream<XDR> ixdr (xdr); 
std::auto_ptr<catalog> copy (new catalog (ixdr));

I want to be able to specify a list of the classes that the serialized objects have (e.g. catalog, catalog, someOtherSerializableClass for 3 serialized objects) and store that information as a typedef

template <typename... Args>
struct variadic_typedef {};

typedef variadic_typedef<catalog, catalog, someOtherSerializableClass> myTypes;

as suggested in Is it possible to “store” a template parameter pack without expanding it?

and find a way to get a std::tuple to work with after the parsing has finished. A sketch:

auto serializedObjects(binaryParse<myTypes>(std::cin));

where serializedObjects would have the type

std::tuple<catalog, catalog, someOtherSerializableClass>

The trivial solution is not to use std::make_tuple(...) in the first place but to construct a std::tuple<...> directly: The order in which constructors for the members are called is well defined:

template <typename>
std::istream& dummy(std::istream& in) {
    return in;
template <typename... T>
std::tuple<T...> parse(std::istream& in) {
    return std::tuple<T...>(dummy<T>(in)...);

The function template dummy<T>() is only used to have something to expand on. The order is imposed by construction order of the elements in the std::tuple<T...>:

template <typename... T>
    template <typename... U>
    std::tuple<T...>::tuple(U...&& arg)
        : members_(std::forward<U>(arg)...) { // NOTE: pseudo code - the real code is
    }                                        //       somewhat more complex

Following the discussion below and Xeo's comment it seems that a better alternative is to use

template <typename... T>
std::tuple<T...> parse(std::istream& in) {
    return std::tuple<T...>{ T(in)... };

The use of brace initialization works because the order of evaluation of the arguments in a brace initializer list is the order in which they appear. The semantics of T{...} are described in 12.6.1 [class.explicit.init] paragraph 2 stating that it follows the rules of list initialization semantics (note: this has nothing to do with std::initializer_list which only works with homogenous types). The ordering constraint is in 8.5.4 [dcl.init.list] paragraph 4.

As the comment says, you could just use initializer-list:

return std::tuple<args...>{args(stream)...};

which will work for std::tuple and suchlikes (which supports initializer-list).

But I got another solution which is more generic, and can be useful where initializer-list cannot be used. So lets solve this without using initializer-list:

template<typename... args>
std::tuple<args...> parse(std::istream &stream) {
  return std::make_tuple(args(stream)...);

Before I explain my solution, I would like to discuss the problem first. In fact, thinking about the problem step by step would also help us to come up with a solution eventually. So, to simply the discussion (and thinking-process), lets assume that args expands to 3 distinct types viz. X, Y, Z, i.e args = {X, Y, Z} and then we can think along these lines, reaching towards the solution step-by-step:

  • First and foremost, the constructors of X, Y, and Z can be executed in any order, because the order in which function arguments are evaluated is unspecified by the C++ Standard.

  • But we want X to construct first, then Y, and Z. Or at least we want to simulate that behavior, which means X must be constructed with data that is in the beginning of the input stream (say that data is xData) and Y must be constructed with data that comes immediately after xData, and so on.

  • As we know, X is not guaranteed to be constructed first, so we need to pretend. Basically, we will read the data from the stream as if it is in the beginning of the stream, even if Z is constructed first, that seems impossible. It is impossible as long as we read from the input stream, but we read data from some indexable data structure such as std::vector, then it is possible.

  • So my solution does this: it will populate a std::vector first, and then all arguments will read data from this vector.

  • My solution assumes that each line in the stream contains all the data needed to construct an object of any type.


template<typename... args>
std::tuple<args...> parse(std::istream &stream) 
  const int N = sizeof...(args);
  return tuple_maker<args...>().make(stream, typename genseq<N>::type() );

And tuple_maker is defined as:


template<int ...>
struct seq {};

template<int M, int ...N>
struct genseq  : genseq<M-1,M-1, N...> {};

template<int ...N>
struct genseq<0,N...>
   typedef seq<N...> type;

struct tuple_maker
   template<int ...N>
   std::tuple<args...> make(std::istream & stream, const seq<N...> &)
     return std::make_tuple(args(read_arg<N>(stream))...);
   std::vector<std::string> m_params;
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::stringstream>> m_streams;
   template<int Index>
   std::stringstream & read_arg(std::istream & stream) 
     if ( m_params.empty() )
        std::string line;
        while ( std::getline(stream, line) ) //read all at once!
     auto pstream = new std::stringstream(;
     return *pstream;



template<int N>
struct A 
    std::string data;
    A(std::istream & stream) 
        stream >> data;
    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream & out, A<N> const & a)
        return out << "A" << N << "::data = " << ;

//three distinct classes!
typedef A<1> A1; 
typedef A<2> A2;
typedef A<3> A3;

int main()
    std::stringstream ss("A1\nA2\nA3\n");
    auto tuple = parse<A1,A2,A3>(ss);
    std::cout << std::get<0>(tuple) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::get<1>(tuple) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::get<2>(tuple) << std::endl;


A1::data = A1
A2::data = A2
A3::data = A3

which is expected. See demo at ideone yourself. :-)

Note that this solution avoids the order-of-reading-from-the-stream problem by reading all the lines in the first call to read_arg itself, and all the later calls just read from the std::vector, using the index.

Now you can put some printf in the constructor of the classes, just to see that the order of construction is not same as the order of template arguments to the parse function template, which is interesting. Also, the technique used here can be useful for places where list-initialization cannot be used.

There's nothing special about make_tuple here. Any function call in C++ allows its arguments to be called in an unspecified order (allowing the compiler freedom to optimize).

I really don't suggest having constructors that have side-effects such that the order is important (this will be a maintenance nightmare), but if you absolutely need this, you can always construct the objects explicitly to set the order you want:

A a(std::cin);
std::tuple<A, B> t(std::make_tuple(a, B(std::cin)));