github locks up mac terminal when using pull command

Solution 1:

You're in the text editor, vim! It's a modal text editor, so you would need to:

  1. Press i to enter insert mode.
  2. Now you can type your message, as if you were in a normal (non-modal) text editor.
  3. Press esc to go back to command mode.
  4. Then type :w followed by enter to save.
  5. Finally :q followed by enter to quit.

Solution 2:

Make it simple.

Type :wq and enter

Solution 3:

The editor looks like to be vim according to your descriptions. This console is simply telling you to write some message for the commit you want to make, and it is compulsory as it does.

  • Just type i and you'll go in the -- INTER -- mode, now you can write your comments.

  • After you have done writing, press esc key in your keyboard and you'll go to command mode. (see on the bottom of the console)

  • Now save changes by writing :w followed by pressing enter key

Writing <code>:w</code> command

  • You can quit now by writing :q followed by pressing enter key

Writing <code>:q</code> command

  • Hurray! Finally you're back to the main console.