Is this event ironic or a funny coincidence: (explain why as well)

Is this event ironic or a funny coincidence: (explain why as well)

Bob is walking with Jerry outside after it has just finished raining. Bob starts on about this time some "stupid, aloof" guy walked right into a puddle because he wasn't paying attention. Right as he is finishing the story, he himself walks directly into a puddle of water.

A buddy and I were debating whether that's irony or funny coincidence, so we decided to poll the audience to get some clarity on the issue.

I believe “[situational] irony” may be used to describe this event. From

[n] irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected.

Yes, this is a very good example of irony. I'd also like to get on my soapbox and point out that it is also a great example of "Poetic Justice" (a term I see misunderstood and misused all the time). Bob was speaking fairly unkindly about the person in his story and when the events in his story happened to him almost immediately, the situation has a poetry about it. By stepping in a puddle himself, Bob is taught a lesson.

When I read this my sense is this is a funny coincidence rather than ironic.

Bob is walking with Jerry outside after it has just finished raining. Bob starts on about this time some "stupid, aloof" guy walked right into a puddle because he wasn't paying attention. Right as he is finishing the story, he himself walks directly into a puddle of water.

The reason being that while the person conveying the story is described as "stupid, aloof", the tone of the story itself doesn’t indicate the person telling the story is aloof or stupid past that.

To me, it would seem ironic if the last sentence read:

“That guy was sure stupid & aloof!” he said just as he himself walks directly into a puddle of water.