Filtering ZSH history by command

Hit Ctrl+R, type some letters, it will find the previous command with these letters, keep hitting Ctrl+R to continue through the previous findings.
Works in bash, zsh (and other shells i suppose).

What i personally like to have is: type some letters, press Up, the previous commands starting with the same letters appear. Very powerful, i love it.
You have to bind the keys you want to history-beginning-search-backward and history-beginning-search-forward.

In case it's not enough for you, zsh has a lot of options, try to look in Zsh Line Editor and tell us.
For bash, less powerful but more common, Bash commands for history.

Use exclamation point:

> !<starts-with this string>

You can arrow up/down through all commands that started with that. I use "!v" all the time to get my previous command for opening a file with Vim.

You can also use a question mark to search beyond matching the beginning of the string,

> !?status

Can find "git status".