I fixed the font rendering on my system after reading this topic. Removing/renaming the home (profile) directory and starting over didn't make any difference.

You need to open the xfce4-settings editor and set the /Xft/Lcdfilter string in the xsettings channel from lcdnone to lcdlight. Other options to try are lcddefault and lcdlegacy as seen here under Rendering subtitle. Here is the CLI way:

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Lcdfilter -s lcdlight

or if the old value doesn't exist:

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/Lcdfilter -n -t string -s lcdlight

After changing that option you need to restart the applications to see the differences. Here are my before and after screenshots (after is the like it was on 11.10). Btw, the screenshots are resized so you should right click on them and click View image or Open image in new tab to really see the differences.

Lcdfilter=lcdnone - ugly fontsLcdfilter=lcdlight - pretty fonts like in 11.10

Rename or delete file ".fonts.conf" in your home directory (switch on "display hidden files" to find it), log off and log on again.

This helped me (with ubuntu 12.10).


This occurs because your sub-pixel order is incorrect. Go to the Settings > Appearance. And then play with the sub-pixel order. If you are on a newer laptop, switching from RGBA to None does the trick. See the attached screen shot.

Settings > Appearance

I'm not sure if it applies to xubuntu, but in Ubuntu standard I've had this crop up.

Solved it like this:

cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
sudo mkdir orig
sudo mv 10-hinting-slight.conf orig

(close and reopen affected apps)