Can I access my home PC from the office with SSH?

I want to use my home pc at my office, without literally taking it to my office. I would like to have a simpler solution than TeamViewer, cause I'm usually using Live distros at my work place, so SSH would be a great solution if it actually can do the same job as "Remote Desktop".

If that isn't possible, at least give me the commands to use terminal of my home computer from my office computer.

I normally access my home PC through SSH (no GUI).

To do that, you should first config your router in order to grant SSH port forwarding. You can usually access the router configuration pages by looking up the IP of the gateway (Connection Information > Default Route). Most modern routers have presets for configuring several applications, including SSH. If you need to forward the port manually, though, set it so that any incoming connections through port 22 will be routed to the local IP of your home computer.

Then, you need to install the SSH deamon on your home PC:

sudo apt-get install SSH

After this, you'll be able to access from client PCs with a simple:

ssh user@IP

where IP is the IP of your home PC. You may want to make it "static", and for this I can suggest to configure a host on and then install noip2 on Ubuntu.