Brew says Wine is installed but it fails to run with "command not found" error

I've recently just had a horrendous Mac hard drive issue which required an erase of the hard drive and a restore from an old back up.

Since it's been back, it's not quite been the same. I had Wine installed however wine my.exe no longer works. I get a -bash: wine: command not found error. I thought it might somehow have become de-installed, but upon trying to reinstall I get: wine-1.7.19 already installed To install this version, first 'brew unlink wine'. I've been having lots of permission errors which can't be corrected by disk utility, all of which are "ACL found but not expected" and brew doctor found a whole load of broken symlinks which have since been pruned. All very odd behaviour.

How do I get Wine to run without having to unlink it and reinstall it? I'd much prefer if I could just continue where I left off.

I'm not using MacPorts as far as I'm aware.

Solution 1:

If it is a simple problem then brew unlink wine and brew link wine might resolve it. This isn't the same as uninstalling and reinstalling, which would be brew remove wine and brew install wine. It should be quite quick.

When brew installs a piece of software it installs it to /usr/local/Cellar and then links it to /usr/local/bin. Unlinking just removes those links, so it is still there but basically sitting somewhere it wouldn't normally be found.

But the first thing to try would be to check that /usr/local/bin is in your path. You can check this by typing echo $PATH in a Terminal window. You should see something like /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin.