Chrome browser: Shortcut F6 behavior change after update to ver. 72

There's no option to change F6 back to the previous behaviour. The good news is that it looks like they are likely to change the behaviour back:

Update: they have reverted the behaviour change in the source code, so in a new version, F6 will again focus the address bar (omnibox) first.

Update 2: it will be fixed in Chrome 73 74, which is estimated to be released March 12 April 23.

Until then, your options are:

  • Use a different keyboard shortcut (F6 F6, Ctrl+L, Alt+D, or Shift+F6 if you have no bookmarks bar)
  • Downgrade to Chrome 71 or older for the time being.
  • Use something like AutoHotKey to remap F6 to Ctrl+L or another shortcut.
  • Use any other browser, because currently all the major other browsers have F6 select the address bar.

Press F6 twice. It will focus first tab on first press, and it will focus address bar on second press.