How to flip bit fields in T-SQL?

You don't need a bitwise-not for this -- just XOR it with 1 / true.

To check it:

select idColumn, bitFieldY, bitFieldY ^ 1 as Toggled
from tableX

To update:

update tableX
set bitFieldY = bitFieldY ^ 1
where ...

MSDN T-SQL Exclusive-OR (^)

Why not a simple bitfield = 1 - bitfield?

Another way is

DECLARE @thebit bit = 1, @theflipbit bit

SET @theflipbit = ~ @thebit

SELECT @theflipbit

where "~" means "NOT" operator. It's clean and you get a good code to read. "negate the bit" is even cleaner and it does exactly what the "NOT" operator was designed for.