Word for a "waypoint" but along a time dimension?

I want to be able to say 'After the process has begun, there are these time waypoints of 10 seconds, 30 seconds and 70 seconds from the start where I want this action to be performed.'

I suppose I could say milestones, or times. But I was rather hoping for something better than this. I can't use the term events because in the context I'm in that's already a reserved word.

There was another question I found already that was sort of like this, but I couldn't find the answer I wanted and it is now closed. Yet another question concerned a word for a time period, or interval, but I want a word for a marker from an absolute point in time (zero) rather than a relative distance.

Instant, also moment


2. a particular moment or point in time at the same instant (from Collins Eng.Dict.)

It may be clearer to say 'point on timeline,' though. That expression is already popular.

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  • Move to different point on timeline
  • How to position playhead to specific point on timeline.

I think the word you need is checkpoint.

Its found use in the past few years in the area of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Within the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency usage, it represents a fixed point in time on the blockchain, at which time certain assumptions can be made that hold true forever.
