How can I get Word 2010 to show more styles than "Heading 1"?

There's no way to select Heading 2 (and higher). Suggestions on how to fix this are welcome.

It doesn't change when I creating documents from other templates.

Word 2007 does the same, and it's really irritating.

Here's my style list on opening a new doc, not very helpful.
Word 2007 "Styles" box showing "Clear All", "Heading 1" and "Normal" only

Click the button at the bottom, the one on the right, to open the "Manage Styles icon Manage Styles".

  1. Click the Recommend tab
  2. scroll to Heading 1 and its friends, select those that you want visible and
  3. click the Show button.
  4. (optional) If you also select the New documents based on this template option at the bottom this change will happen for all new documents as well.

Here's a screenshot:
Word 2010 "Manage Styles" window, showing the steps described in the text
here's another one

Instead of changing the settings, you can simply do CtrlAlt2 to get Heading 2, CtrlAlt3 to get Heading 3, etc...

In Word 2010 right click on the Styles ribbon (or left click on the arrow in the lower right of the Styles ribbon), select options, and then check the box "Show next heading when previous level is used".

The problem in this case was caused by shared templates. Somehow the template got messed up, and all headings but Heading 1 were gone from the template.