Does floor order matter?

I'm occasionally granted Level Mover droids to shuffle the decks in my Tiny Death Star...but I can't tell if sorting the floors in some unknown way matters at all. Other than using the lift to deliver people to different levels, I don't see any relevance to the position of each part of the tower Death Star.

I don't know if this is a bug or by design, but I found that the "Imperial Items Missions" seem to be based on the actual level, not the item type. So if you needed eg "10 Defense Grids", and you use a Level Mover to swap in the Interrogation level to where the Turbolaser laser was, that mission turns into "10 Rebel Secrets". So you can swap in levels that you already have high item counts for.

However, the reward for completing the mission appears to change accordingly (it would decrease in the above scenario as Rebel Secrets are easier to acquire).

NOTE: This has been changed so that the mission is attached to the item, not the level. Moving levels no longer changes the requirements.

Does the order of the floors matter? Somewhat. The higher the floor, the more credits you earn when you bring someone to it. Floors that will get a lot of traffic from arrivals will therefore earn you a tiny bit more if you raise them further up in your tower.

Re-ordering your floors can be useful. For instance, I like all my residential floors to be the even number floors. The reason is that when I want to speed up imperial objects being built, if an arrival wants an even number of floor, I know I can use them to speed up the imperial object without worry about them being useful to speed up a civilian order. But I could have easily put the residential floors together at arrivals, and just remembered that anyone travelling to floor 2 to floor 6 (for instance), can be re-routed to an imperial level with no worries about missing a chance to profit and speed up a shop order.

Instead of by type, I sort them by turnover time. By turnover time, I mean the time needed to fully stock and sell a floor. For example, Mos Espa Cafe and Workout Center have short turnover times.

Until and unless I care to raise their ranks like crazy, floors with short turnover times need a lot of active management, so therefore I clump them together to minimize scrolling.

The game never tells you when stock needs ordering so you have to continually inspect all floors by scrolling from very top to very bottom. Clumping often-needs-stock floors minimizes scrolling.

I place this clump close to Arrivals, because such floors are "<1 minute" more often and thus more often useless for incoming Bitizens. I don't bring bitizens to "<1 minute" floors; I quickly dump them DOWN to imperial levels.