Skype on 12.04 x64 does not start even after purging and reinstalling it

I am wondering if there's anyone here who managed to use Skype on 12.04. It used to work (ever since I first tried Ubuntu 10.04) flawlessly, but after upgrading to 12.04, it just doesn't start.

If I start Skype from terminal, it just says Segmentation fault (core dumped). I tried to remove Skype and installed it from different locations:

  • Skype website (did not install at all, "package error")

  • From official Ubuntu repository (doesn't start at all, segmentation fault)

  • From repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner" (doesn't start at all, segmentation fault)

Interesting thing: even if I remove / purge Skype from the system, it still shows up in Unity menu (of course doesn't start).

Any help here?

Solution 1:

Skype is working very well on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit version (using it right now).

How to:

  1. Go to Software Sources, click on second tab Other Software and mark Canonical Partners and Canonical Partners (Source Code).
  2. Open your terminal and add the following command sudo apt-get update.
  3. After the update is completed please type sudo apt-get install skype. This will install skype and will work perfectly.

Good luck.

Solution 2:

Skype works fine for me on 12.04 x64, and I did not have to reinstall it after the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by using skype on Ubuntu 12.04 x64. Are you using a x64 version of Skype, or do you just want to be able to use Skype on your 64 bit machine? Historically Skype hasn't released a native x64 version for linux, so I've always used the i386 version with the i386 libraries.

I just noticed that there is a new package in the respositories which looks like it could be a native x64 version but I haven't tried it.

The version I'm using is Skype (beta) version (package is skype:i386 version:

You could try using the i386 version if you aren't already if having a native x64 app isn't that important to you.

Solution 3:

I can only repeat that Skype works well for me. It took quite a while to install (Installed it from their website with the Software-Center), but now it runs as my previous versions of it.

Solution 4:

Also make sure that your Apparmor profile for Skype (if you have any) isn't the cause of the problem.

I have had very similar symptoms (skype was simply coredumping), and removing my hand-written long ago Apparmor profile for Skype (/etc/apparmor.d/ resolved the problem.