Explicit isomorphism $\tilde{H_n}(X)\simeq \tilde{H}_{n+1}(SX)$.

Solution 1:

I believe your map will work, but here's my suggestion.

We work with relative groups everywhere, since we want the conclusion to hold for reduced homology.

Consider the maps

$$C_*(X, *) \to C_{*+1}(CX, X) \to C_{*+1}(SX, *)$$

The first map is defined by taking a simplex $\Delta^n \to X$ to the simplex $\Delta^{n+1} = C\Delta^n \to CX$. The second map is the collapse map $(CX, X) \to (CX/X, X/X) = (SX, *)$. The second map is automatically a chain map, and it should be easy to check that the first map is also a chain map.

Consider the long exact homology sequence of the triple $(CX, X, *)$, then it should be easy to see, just by computing the map directly following chains around, that the connecting map $\delta: H_{*+1}(CX, X) \to H_*(X, *)$ is inverse to the induced map on homology $H_*(X, *) \to H_{*+1}(CX, X)$.

Using excision or what have you, you can then prove that the map $C_{*+1}(CX, X) \to C_{*+1}(SX, *)$ induces an isomorphism on homology. This shows that the above composition does the job.

I think if you do some work you can prove this map is homotopic to the map that you constructed, but this seems easier to me.