Subset xts object by time of day
If your xts
object is called x
then something like y <- x["T09:30/T11:00"]
works for me to get a slice of the morning session, for example.
For some reason to cut xts time of day using x["T09:30/T11:00"]
is pretty slow, I use the method from R: Efficiently subsetting dataframe based on time of day and data.table time subset vs xts time subset to make a faster function with similar syntax:
cut_time_of_day <- function(x, t_str_begin, t_str_end){
tstr_to_sec <- function(t_str){
#"09:00:00" to sec of day
as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste("1970-01-01", t_str), "UTC")) %% (24*60*60)
#POSIX ignores leap second
#sec_of_day = as.numeric(index(x)) %% (24*60*60) #GMT only
sec_of_day = {lt = as.POSIXlt(index(x)); lt$hour *60*60 + lt$min*60 + lt$sec} #handle tzone
sec_begin = tstr_to_sec(t_str_begin)
sec_end = tstr_to_sec(t_str_end)
return(x[ sec_of_day >= sec_begin & sec_of_day <= sec_end,])
n = 100000
dtime <- seq(ISOdate(2001,1,1), by = 60*60, length.out = n)
attributes(dtime)$tzone <- "CET"
x = xts((1:n), = dtime)
y2 <- cut_time_of_day(x,"07:00:00", "09:00:00")
y1 <- x["T07:00:00/T09:00:00"]