how to get a fragment added in an XML layout

Solution 1:

You can get the fragment instance as follows:


Solution 2:

If the fragment is embedded in another fragment, you need getChildFragmentManager() but not getFragmentManager(). For example, in layout xml define the fragment like this:

    android:layout_marginRight="5dp" />

in Code, you can get the fragment instance like this:

FragmentManager f = getChildFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = f.beginTransaction();
chatFragment = f.findFragmentById(;

if (chatFragment != null) {

Solution 3:

I did exactly the same in android and the simplest way to do this in using interfaces. I had an activity with 6 fragments and i needed to update only 3 of them.

I use this

    final Integer numeroFragments = ((PagerAdapterOfe) mViewPager.getAdapter()).getCount();

    for (int i=0; i<numeroFragments; i++) {
        Object fragment = ((PagerAdapterOfe) mViewPager.getAdapter()).getItem(i);

        // If the fragment implement my interface, update the list
        if (fragment instanceof IOfertaFragment){
        ((IOfertaFragment) fragment).actualizaListaOfertas();

Where, PageAdapterOfe is my activity fragments adapter. I loop all of my fragments and search for those that implement my interface, when i found one, I execute the method defined by my interface and that is!

I use this code inside the activity that holds all the fragments, in response a broadcast signal, you can put it where you need.

The interface:

public interface IOfertaFragment {

    public void actualizaListaOfertas();

Solution 4:

You can find the fragment using findFragmentById (if you know the component it is included in) or by findFragmentByTag (if you know its tag)

I don't know which variables you want to update, but you can replace the fragment with another fragment using the FragmentTransaction API.

See for examples.