PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings

I am having one problem with the PHP json_encode function. It encodes numbers as strings, e.g.

array('id' => 3)


"{ ["id": "3", ...)

When js encounters these values, it interprets them as strings and numeric operations fail on them. Does anyone know some way to prevent json_encode from encoding numbers as strings? Thank you!

Note that since PHP 5.3.3, there's a flag for auto-converting numbers (the options parameter was added in PHP 5.3.0):

$arr = array( 'row_id' => '1', 'name' => 'George' );
echo json_encode( $arr, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK ); // {"row_id":1,"name":"George"}

I, likewise was reading from a DB (PostgreSQL) and everything was a string. We loop over each row and do things with it to build up our final results array, so I used

$result_arr[] = array($db_row['name'], (int)$db_row['count']);

within the loop to force it to be an integer value. When I do json_encode($result_arr) now, it correctly formats it as a number. This allows you to control what is and is not a number coming from your database.


The json_encode() function also has the ability to do this on the fly using the JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK flag as a second argument to it. You need to be careful using it though as shown in this users example in the documentation (copied below):

// International phone number
json_encode(array('phone_number' => '+33123456789'), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

And then you get this JSON:
