MacBook Pro Charger has stopped working properly - any short-term fixes?

This is a very common problem and has happened to me twice in the past -- unfortunately the adapters are very fragile at the tip.

Apart from getting it replaced, you can try gently wiggling the thin wire connection right where it meets the metal adapter tip. Pushing it in towards the computer can also help. Sometimes it will start working again if it's in just the right position, but it's easy to knock out of place again. Either way, it will be difficult to live with for two weeks. :[

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, the gentle wiggling/pushing should be done while the adapter is attached to the computer. You can judge your success by whether or not the computer starts/stays charging. Keep the computer on a stable surface while you do this, and if you get it working, don't touch it -- or it will likely stop working again.