How can I tell Mobile Safari to stop remembering to never remember my password?

Manually enter your username and password. Tap "Passwords" right above your keyboard. Tap "Save This Password." It still won't autofill when you first load the page, but now you can tap in the username field and hit "Autofill Password." There seems to be no way to actually reset the "Never for this site" setting. Sounds like a job for

I’ve actually figured out a way to undo this. It’s klunky AF, but it works. Go to the login page you’re looking to undo this for, and tap the “passwords” label on top of the onscreen keyboard. From the pop up that appears, select “suggest new password”. Attempt to login with the new password. While you won’t successfully login with it, a login entry for the site will now be saved in your account password settings. Edit the entry with the correct information, and you’re done.