Function grows slower than $\ln(x)$

Solution 1:

For $x>1$, $x \mapsto \ln(\ln(x))$.

Solution 2:

$$f(x)=\sqrt{\ln x}$$

should do, for $x\ge 1$.

Solution 3:

If we want to really go to the extreme, we can look at some smooth continuation of the Inverse Ackermann function.

Also, we can look at the inverse of a transexponential function. A function, $f(x)$ is transexponential if there exists some there exists points $p_1, p_2,..., p_n,...$ such that $\forall x > p_1$ $f(x) > e^x$, $\forall x > p_2$, $f(x) < e^{e^x}$, $\forall x > p_3$ $f(x) > e^{e^{e^x}}...$ The inverse of this $f(x)$ will grow very slowly.

Solution 4:

You have to define what you mean by "grows slower than", but I'll assume you want to find a function $f(x)$ such that $\frac{f(x)}{\ln x}\rightarrow 0$ as $x\rightarrow\infty$ where $f(x)\rightarrow\infty$ as well.

L'Hopital's rule is applicable here so that $\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}\frac{f(x)}{\ln x}=\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty} xf'(x)$. So a function that diverges but whose derivative goes to zero faster than $\frac{1}{x}$ works.

Generally, let $f'(x)=\frac{1}{x}g(x)$ so that $g(x)\rightarrow0$ as $x\rightarrow\infty$ and $\sum \frac{1}{n}g(n)$ diverges, then $f(x)=\int_a^x \frac{1}{t}g(t) dt$ works for a suitably chosen $a$.

For example, $f(x)=\int_2^x \frac{1}{t}\frac{1}{(\ln t)^p} dt$ for $0<p\leq1$ works.