PowerShell IE9 ComObject has all null properties after navigating to webpage

Solution 1:

I just worked through this.. sort of. I was seeing the same behavior until I turned off protected mode in IE. This seems to have something to do with submitting from one security zone to the next. So.. assuming that your original page is in the internet zone, with protected mode on, you submit to a page in a trusted zone or intranet or whatever, it seems like the COM context is lost. Probably intentional. I'm going to try fixing the zones, and keeping protected mode on.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: This is also a non-issue if you run your powershell in elevated mode (run as admin)

Solution 2:

In addition: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb625962.aspx

This problem is caused by integrity levels since Internet Explorer 8. That is also the reason, why the application runs well as administrator.

Since IE-8 runs in "low integrity" mode, it is not possible to automate IE from within a script. This is because the script runs as an user which belongs to "medium integrity" mode. The security design is such that it can send instructions from medium to low integrity, but can not receive data from low to medium integrity.

Update: Here is a working example how to do it without changing any settings. It gets back the lost com-Object.

 function ConnectIExplorer() {

    $objShellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application 
    try {
      $EA = $ErrorActionPreference; $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
      $objNewIE = $objShellApp.Windows() | ?{$_.HWND -eq $HWND}
      $objNewIE.Visible = $true
    } catch {
      #it may happen, that the Shell.Application does not find the window in a timely-manner, therefore quick-sleep and try again
      Write-Host "Waiting for page to be loaded ..." 
      Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
      try {
        $objNewIE = $objShellApp.Windows() | ?{$_.HWND -eq $HWND}
        $objNewIE.Visible = $true
      } catch {
        Write-Host "Could not retreive the -com Object InternetExplorer. Aborting." -ForegroundColor Red
        $objNewIE = $null
    } finally { 
      $ErrorActionPreference = $EA
      $objShellApp = $null
    return $objNewIE

$HWND = ($objIE = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application).HWND
$objIE = ConnectIExplorer -HWND $HWND