How to set workspaces in Ubuntu 21.10?

Solution 1:

In Gnome Tweaks, you can set a fixed number of workspaces using Gnome Tweaks, Workspaces tab . This option will be included in the main Gnome settings in future versions.

You then can set up a workspace indicator in the top bar using extensions.

Workspace Indicator by fmuellner is an official extension, which is part of the extensions for Gnome Classic (Gnome Shell configured like the classical Gnome 2, with application menu and task bar on the bottom). Install these extensions with the command:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions

Turn the extension "Workspace Indicator" on using the Extensions tool or using the command line.

Gnome Tweaks and the Extensions tool are not installed by default. Install them using Software or with the command line:

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extension-prefs