What's the App Store policy on displaying a fake access popup request?

For humor, I was considering including a popup message much like this one in an App:

permission popup

But something like '"App" would like to access your hopes and dreams'. Would this spoof on a common Apple API make the app more likely to be rejected? Or is there any official policy which could be construed this way?

Solution 1:

There's nothing specific in the App Review Guidelines regarding this, although Apple reserve the right to reject your app and/or modify the guidelines:

It is a living document that will evolve as we are presented with new Apps and situations, and we'll update it periodically to reflect these changes.

Source: App Store Review Guidelines

Solution 2:

It would be considered "deceiving" and probably not allowed.

It will be left to interpretation (by Apple), if such pop up is deceiving (witch it is) and what is its the ultimate purpose, since it is possible that some users would react rather negatively until they realize it was a joke.

If you app is some kind of game in that nature, then yes, but if it is some kind of board game, then no.


Apps that contain false, fraudulent or misleading representations or use names or icons similar to other Apps will be rejected.

Source: https://developer.apple.com/appstore/resources/approval/guidelines.html