Solution 1:

For some reason, installed in /usr/bin/, instead of under /usr/local/bin.

The following in my .bash_profile works...

source "/usr/bin/"
export WORKON_HOME="/opt/virtual_env/"

My install seems to work fine without sourcing virtualenvwrapper_bashrc

Solution 2:

Alternatively as mentioned below, you could leverage the chance that is already in your shell's PATH and just issue a source `which`


source `which`

The backticks are command substitution - they take whatever the program prints out and put it in the expression. In this case "which" checks the $PATH to find and outputs the path to it. The script is then read by the shell via 'source'.

If you want this to happen every time you restart your shell, it's probably better to grab the output from the "which" command first, and then put the "source" line in your shell, something like this:

echo "source /path/to/" >> ~/.profile

^ This may differ slightly based on your shell. Also, be careful not to use the a single > as this will truncate your ~/.profile :-o

I had the same issue on OS X 10.9.1 with python 2.7.5. No issues with WORKON_HOME for me, but I did have to manually add source "/usr/local/bin/" to ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.bashrc in unix) after I ran pip install virtualenvwrapper

Prerequisites to execute this command -

  1. pip (recursive acronym of Pip Installs Packages) is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. Many packages can be found in the Python Package Index (PyPI).

    sudo apt-get install python-pip

  2. Install Virtual Environment. Used to create virtual environment, to install packages and dependencies of multiple projects isolated from each other.

    sudo pip install virtualenv

  3. Install virtual environment wrapper About virtual env wrapper

    sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

After Installing prerequisites you need to bring virtual environment wrapper into action to create virtual environment. Following are the steps -

  1. set virtual environment directory in path variable- export WORKON_HOME=(directory you need to save envs)

  2. source /usr/local/bin/ -p $WORKON_HOME

As mentioned by @Mike, source `which` or which can used to locate file.

It's best to put above two lines in ~/.bashrc to avoid executing the above commands every time you open new shell. That's all you need to create environment using mkvirtualenv

Points to keep in mind -

  • Under Ubuntu, you may need install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper as root. Simply prefix the command above with sudo.
  • Depending on the process used to install virtualenv, the path to may vary. Find the appropriate path by running $ find /usr -name Adjust the line in your .bash_profile or .bashrc script accordingly.

Use this procedure to create virtual env in ubuntu

Step 1

Install pip

   sudo apt-get install python-pip

step 2

Install virtualenv

   sudo pip install virtualenv

step 3

Create a dir to store your virtualenvs (I use ~/.virtualenvs)

   mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

or use this command to install specific version of python in env

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv

step 4

   sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

step 5

   sudo nano ~/.bashrc

step 6

Add this two line code at the end of the bashrc file

  export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
  source /usr/local/bin/

step 7

Open new terminal (recommended)

step 8

Create a new virtualenv

  mkvirtualenv myawesomeproject

step 9

To load or switch between virtualenvs, use the workon command:

  workon myawesomeproject

step 10

To exit your new virtualenv, use


and make sure using pip vs pip3

OR follow the steps below to install virtual environment using python3

Install env

python3 -m venv my-project-env

and activate your virtual environment using the following command:

source my-project-env/bin/activate

or if you want particular python version

virtualenv --python=python3.7.5 myenv