Custom shortcut to "mate-screenshot -a"

I have just figured out that there is a screenshot key on my keyboard, which is fn + insert (which has a camera icon on it)...

So in order to achieve it, I use:

fn + Shift + insert

This will open this dialog box:

enter image description here

It is one step more than using mate-screenshot -a, yet - it works.

You simply add a custom shortcut via the MATE Keyboard shortcuts settings app:

  1. Open shortcuts window: System->Preferences->Hardware->Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. Create new shortcut: Click the Add button. Set the name you like e.g. Area Screenshot and set the Command to mate-screenshot -a. Then click Apply
  3. Set the screenshot you want: Double click where it says Disabled and press your preferred Key combo, e.g. "Ctrl+T"
