How to sort a collection by date in MongoDB?

Solution 1:

Just a slight modification to @JohnnyHK answer

collection.find().sort({datefield: -1}, function(err, cursor){...});

In many use cases we wish to have latest records to be returned (like for latest updates / inserts).

Solution 2:


This will sort your collection in descending order based on the date of insertion

Solution 3:

Sorting by date doesn't require anything special. Just sort by the desired date field of the collection.

Updated for the 1.4.28 node.js native driver, you can sort ascending on datefield using any of the following ways:

collection.find().sort({datefield: 1}).toArray(function(err, docs) {...});
collection.find().sort('datefield', 1).toArray(function(err, docs) {...});
collection.find().sort([['datefield', 1]]).toArray(function(err, docs) {...});
collection.find({}, {sort: {datefield: 1}}).toArray(function(err, docs) {...});
collection.find({}, {sort: [['datefield', 1]]}).toArray(function(err, docs) {...});

'asc' or 'ascending' can also be used in place of the 1.

To sort descending, use 'desc', 'descending', or -1 in place of the 1.

Solution 4:

Sushant Gupta's answers are a tad bit outdated and don't work anymore.

The following snippet should be like this now :

collection.find({}, {"sort" : ['datefield', 'asc']} ).toArray(function(err,docs) {});