Can a space $X$ be homeomorphic to its twofold product with itself, $X \times X$?

Solution 1:

Yes, consider $X := \Bbb Z$ endowed with the discrete topology.

For any topological manifold $M$, $\dim (M \times M) = \dim M + \dim M = 2 \dim M$. Since the dimension of a nonempty topological manifold is well-defined, there is no positive-dimensional topological manifold $M$ for which $M \cong M \times M$, which in particular excludes $R$ and $S^1$ as observed. This implies that the example $X = \Bbb Z$ is the only example that is a (second countable) topological manifold.

Solution 2:

At this level of generality you can make $X=X \times X$ happen quite easily. Take a discrete space of any infinite cardinality, for instance. Or topologize $X=A^B$ by whatever means and compare $X \times X = A^{B \sqcup B}$; under various mild assumptions on $B$ those spaces would be homeomorphic.