gedit + sshfs won't save (vi saves fine!)

Solution 1:

-o workaround=rename solved my problem

Solution 2:

The workaround on gedit 2.30.4/Ubuntu 11.04 seems to be enabling the "Create a backup copy..." in Preferences, not disabling it. At least for me, this worked without having to modify any permissions.

This also works in Debian sid with gedit 3.4.2

Solution 3:

-o allow_other might do something for you...seems like someone had a similar problem here:

Solution 4:

Append -o allow_other to the end of your mount instruction.

[EDIT] This is a known issue, I found a bug report at .

Also found that you can work around the bug from within gedit (at least) by disabling the Create a backup copy of files before saving option, in Edit->Preferences->Editor.

The issue (according to the gedit guys) is a samba/cifs bug, and was first logged (in Ubuntu) in 2006.