Use table view disclosure indicator style for uibutton ios

Solution 1:

This can be done entirely with code by placing a UITableViewCell with the disclosure indicator within a UIButton:

UITableViewCell *disclosure = [[UITableViewCell alloc] init];
disclosure.frame = button.bounds;
disclosure.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
disclosure.userInteractionEnabled = NO; 

[button addSubview:disclosure];


let disclosure = UITableViewCell()
disclosure.frame = button.bounds
disclosure.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
disclosure.isUserInteractionEnabled = false


Solution 2:

Since Apple provides official iOS design resources for different tools you can extract the chevron from there.


Apple announced the icon font SF Symbols on the WWDC'19 keynote.

The SF Symbols companion app contains an icon called chevron.right ready for you to use. You can also Specify the thickness of the icon.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Note that you must use a transparent background

Here's the best possible match I can get, in a photoshop file:

Note that it includes the REAL iOS IMAGE (from a screenshot) underneath as a layer, so you can compare.

It seems like VBK wants the single chevron from the UITableView collection. Which is called 'Disclosure Indicator' as opposed to the one available from UIButton which is 'Detail Disclosure'.

I think you want something like this:

UITableView Disclosure Indicator Image for Buttons

It is 50x80 with a transparent background. Use this image on top of a button or UIImageView. Resize it to whatever size you'd like your button to be. Apple recommends a hit target of no less than 40x40. I sized it to 10x16 in my storyboard, but I am using a transparent button overlay so the size doesn't matter.

Image Mirror :

Just note however this is not precisely the image used in iOS7. (Nov 2013.) To get the exact image, simply run an app in retina in your simulator, and make a screenshot.