Starting to learn Windbg [closed]

There's a few excellent blogs out there that help to gain windbg proficiency on an everyday basis:

  • Dr. Debugalov
  • Nynaeve
  • Advanced Windows Debugging
  • Debugging Toolbox
  • Debugging Tricks
  • Oleg Starodumov
  • List of posts from/to Ivan Brugiolo
  • Windbg by Volker von Einem

I, personally, just started using windbg for all my debugging tasks and soon enough there were very questions I could not answer and very few problems I could not solve. Powerful and exciting tool.

For a book, try

Advanced Windows Debugging (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)

Advanced  Windows Debugging

Also, for a great reference sheet, see

Common WinDbg Commands (Thematically Grouped) by Robert Kuster.