What is it called when someone says something like: "I'm not a racist, but..."

Other examples are:

I'm not sexist but (sexist comment)

Not to be a dick, but (dick comment)

No offense, but (offensive comment)

And so on... where they are trying to excuse themselves from what they are about to say?

What is the name of these kinds of statements?

Solution 1:

I would call it a conversational disclaimer

No offense, but X


What I am going to say may sound like I want to offend you, but I can assure you that it's not my intention to offend you.

I am not a racist/sexist, but X

are slightly different since they are disclaimers about the listeners anticipated opinions about the speaker's beliefs.

If these disclaimers are in fact honest is of course a different question altogether.

Solution 2:

It's an example of a qualifying statement.

This site notes that, by far, "I'm not a racist, but" is the most common example people think of when they think of a qualifier.