A proper wrapper for console.log with correct line number?

I'm now developing an application, and place a global isDebug switch. I would like to wrap console.log for more convenient usage.

//isDebug controls the entire site.
var isDebug = true;

function debug(msg, level){
    var Global = this;
    if(!(Global.isDebug && Global.console && Global.console.log)){
    level = level||'info';
    Global.console.log(level + ': '+ msg);

debug('Here is a msg.');

Then I get this result in Firefox console.

info: Here is a msg.                       debug.js (line 8)

What if I want to log with line number where debug() gets called, like info: Here is a msg. main.js (line 2)?

This is an old question and All the answers provided are overly hackey, have MAJOR cross browser issues, and don't provide anything super useful. This solution works in every browser and reports all console data exactly as it should. No hacks required and one line of code Check out the codepen.

var debug = console.log.bind(window.console)

Create the switch like this:

isDebug = true // toggle this to turn on / off for global controll

if (isDebug) var debug = console.log.bind(window.console)
else var debug = function(){}

Then simply call as follows:

debug('This is happening.')

You can even take over the console.log with a switch like this:

if (!isDebug) console.log = function(){}

If you want to do something useful with that.. You can add all the console methods and wrap it up in a reusable function that gives not only global control, but class level as well:

var Debugger = function(gState, klass) {

  this.debug = {}

  if (gState && klass.isDebug) {
    for (var m in console)
      if (typeof console[m] == 'function')
        this.debug[m] = console[m].bind(window.console, klass.toString()+": ")
    for (var m in console)
      if (typeof console[m] == 'function')
        this.debug[m] = function(){}
  return this.debug

isDebug = true //global debug state

debug = Debugger(isDebug, this)

debug.log('Hello log!')
debug.trace('Hello trace!')

Now you can add it to your classes:

var MyClass = function() {
  this.isDebug = true //local state
  this.debug = Debugger(isDebug, this)
  this.debug.warn('It works in classses')

I liked @fredrik's answer, so I rolled it up with another answer which splits the Webkit stacktrace, and merged it with @PaulIrish's safe console.log wrapper. "Standardizes" the filename:line to a "special object" so it stands out and looks mostly the same in FF and Chrome.

Testing in fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/drzaus/pWe6W/

_log = (function (undefined) {
    var Log = Error; // does this do anything?  proper inheritance...?
    Log.prototype.write = function (args) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Paulirish-like console.log wrapper.  Includes stack trace via @fredrik SO suggestion (see remarks for sources).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args" type="Array">list of details to log, as provided by `arguments`</param>
        /// <remarks>Includes line numbers by calling Error object -- see
        /// * http://paulirish.com/2009/log-a-lightweight-wrapper-for-consolelog/
        /// * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13815640/a-proper-wrapper-for-console-log-with-correct-line-number
        /// * https://stackoverflow.com/a/3806596/1037948
        /// </remarks>

        // via @fredrik SO trace suggestion; wrapping in special construct so it stands out
        var suffix = {
            "@": (this.lineNumber
                    ? this.fileName + ':' + this.lineNumber + ":1" // add arbitrary column value for chrome linking
                    : extractLineNumberFromStack(this.stack)

        args = args.concat([suffix]);
        // via @paulirish console wrapper
        if (console && console.log) {
            if (console.log.apply) { console.log.apply(console, args); } else { console.log(args); } // nicer display in some browsers
    var extractLineNumberFromStack = function (stack) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the line/filename detail from a Webkit stack trace.  See https://stackoverflow.com/a/3806596/1037948
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stack" type="String">the stack string</param>

        if(!stack) return '?'; // fix undefined issue reported by @sigod

        // correct line number according to how Log().write implemented
        var line = stack.split('\n')[2];
        // fix for various display text
        line = (line.indexOf(' (') >= 0
            ? line.split(' (')[1].substring(0, line.length - 1)
            : line.split('at ')[1]
        return line;

    return function (params) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Paulirish-like console.log wrapper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="params" type="[...]">list your logging parameters</param>

        // only if explicitly true somewhere
        if (typeof DEBUGMODE === typeof undefined || !DEBUGMODE) return;

        // call handler extension which provides stack trace
        Log().write(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); // turn into proper array
    };//--  fn  returned

})();//--- _log

This also works in node, and you can test it with:

// no debug mode
_log('this should not appear');

// turn it on

_log('you should', 'see this', {a:1, b:2, c:3});
console.log('--- regular log ---');
_log('you should', 'also see this', {a:4, b:8, c:16});

// turn it off
DEBUGMODE = false;

_log('disabled, should not appear');
console.log('--- regular log2 ---');

You can maintain line numbers and output the log level with some clever use of Function.prototype.bind:

function setDebug(isDebug) {
  if (window.isDebug) {
    window.debug = window.console.log.bind(window.console, '%s: %s');
  } else {
    window.debug = function() {};


// ...

debug('level', 'This is my message.'); // --> level: This is my message. (line X)

Taking it a step further, you could make use of the console's error/warning/info distinctions and still have custom levels. Try it!

function setDebug(isDebug) {
  if (isDebug) {
    window.debug = {
      log: window.console.log.bind(window.console, '%s: %s'),
      error: window.console.error.bind(window.console, 'error: %s'),
      info: window.console.info.bind(window.console, 'info: %s'),
      warn: window.console.warn.bind(window.console, 'warn: %s')
  } else {
    var __no_op = function() {};

    window.debug = {
      log: __no_op,
      error: __no_op,
      warn: __no_op,
      info: __no_op


// ...

debug.log('wat', 'Yay custom levels.'); // -> wat: Yay custom levels.    (line X)
debug.info('This is info.');            // -> info: This is info.        (line Y)
debug.error('Bad stuff happened.');     // -> error: Bad stuff happened. (line Z)

I found a simple solution to combine the accepted answer (binding to console.log/error/etc) with some outside logic to filter what is actually logged.

// or window.log = {...}
var log = {
  ASSERT: 1, ERROR: 2, WARN: 3, INFO: 4, DEBUG: 5, VERBOSE: 6,
  set level(level) {
    if (level >= this.ASSERT) this.a = console.assert.bind(window.console);
    else this.a = function() {};
    if (level >= this.ERROR) this.e = console.error.bind(window.console);
    else this.e = function() {};
    if (level >= this.WARN) this.w = console.warn.bind(window.console);
    else this.w = function() {};
    if (level >= this.INFO) this.i = console.info.bind(window.console);
    else this.i = function() {};
    if (level >= this.DEBUG) this.d = console.debug.bind(window.console);
    else this.d = function() {};
    if (level >= this.VERBOSE) this.v = console.log.bind(window.console);
    else this.v = function() {};
    this.loggingLevel = level;
  get level() { return this.loggingLevel; }
log.level = log.DEBUG;


log.e('Error doing the thing!', e); // console.error
log.w('Bonus feature failed to load.'); // console.warn
log.i('Signed in.'); // console.info
log.d('Is this working as expected?'); // console.debug
log.v('Old debug messages, output dominating messages'); // console.log; ignored because `log.level` is set to `DEBUG`
log.a(someVar == 2) // console.assert
  • Note that console.assert uses conditional logging.
  • Make sure your browser's dev tools shows all message levels!

From: How to get JavaScript caller function line number? How to get JavaScript caller source URL? the Error object has a line number property(in FF). So something like this should work:

var err = new Error();
Global.console.log(level + ': '+ msg + 'file: ' + err.fileName + ' line:' + err.lineNumber);

In Webkit browser you have err.stack that is a string representing the current call stack. It will display the current line number and more information.


To get the correct linenumber you need to invoke the error on that line. Something like:

var Log = Error;
Log.prototype.write = function () {
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
        suffix = this.lineNumber ? 'line: '  + this.lineNumber : 'stack: ' + this.stack;

    console.log.apply(console, args.concat([suffix]));

var a = Log().write('monkey' + 1, 'test: ' + 2);

var b = Log().write('hello' + 3, 'test: ' + 4);