MAX_FILE_SIZE in PHP - what's the point?

Solution 1:

After failed attempt to find any authoritative information about MAX_FILE_INFO i've decided to resort to drastic measures - and peeked at PHP's holy source.

I scanned entire PHP source recursively using grep:

grep -ri MAX_FILE_SIZE .

The only place that mentioned this variable was (excluding tests folder) - rfc1867.c file. Completely expectable since rfc1867 standard deals with file uploads.

Related C code:

if (!strcasecmp(param, "MAX_FILE_SIZE")) {                                                                                                                                                                              
   max_file_size = atol(value);
if (PG(upload_max_filesize) > 0 && (total_bytes+blen) > PG(upload_max_filesize)) {
    cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_A;
} else if (max_file_size && ((total_bytes+blen) > max_file_size)) {
    cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_B;
} else if

So - here's short explanation of above code:

1) first we get the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE into max_file_size variable.

2) Then we check if max_file_size value exists and if the sum of already accepted bytes (total_bytes) + the size of bytes in the buffer(blen) exceeds max_file_size.

3) If 2 is true - at this point we cancel upload with some error code that's been set by this constant: UPLOAD_ERROR_B

BUT - as you can see - right before checking max_file_size variable - PHP performs EXACTLY THE SAME CHECK for upload_max_filesize variable!!! So - there we have it.

Conclusion: IMHO - op is right - there is 0 point in including MAX_FILE_SIZE into your forms! Simply set upload_max_filesize in your php.ini file or dynamically via ini_set().

Solution 2:

At the moment there are no browsers that actually care about the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive so it is pretty pointless. I suppose it does give you more granular control over max sizes on upload (as the poster above stated) rather than going with php.ini's, but personally I just ignore it, and you probably should too. It will certainly not stop a user uploading a larger than required file - the manual is fairly misleading in this regard.

Solution 3:

Until we find browsers that support it, there's no point on the client side.

However, on the server side, MAX_FILE_SIZE does affect the values you get from $_FILES['your_file'].

Assuming the browser's request actually made it through post_max_size, usually this is what PHP gives:

array(5) {
    ["name"]=> string(11) "my_upload.dll"
    ["type"]=> string(24) "application/x-msdownload"
    ["tmp_name"]=> string(26) "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php86A.tmp"
    ["error"]=> int(0) // UPLOAD_ERR_OK
    ["size"]=> int(238592)

But if uploaded file size exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE, you'd see:

array(5) {
    ["name"]=> string(11) "my_upload.dll"
    ["type"]=> string(0) ""
    ["tmp_name"]=> string(0) ""
    ["error"]=> int(2) // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE
    ["size"]=> int(0)

And the part on "MAX_FILE_SIZE must precede the file input field" is not a joke. It actually works because PHP will interpret the browser's POST request payload sequentially:

<input name=F1 type=file> 
<input name=F2 type=file>
F1 and F2 will not be affected by MAX_FILE_SIZE

<input name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=1024 type=hidden>
<input name=F3 type=file>
<input name=F4 type=file>
F3 and F4 will have MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1024 bytes

<input name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=0 type=hidden>
<input name=F5 type=file>
<input name=F6 type=file>
F5 and F6 will have MAX_FILE_SIZE = 0 (infinite)

<input name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=1 type=hidden>
<input name=F7 type=file> 
<input name=F8 type=file>
F7 and F8 will have MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1 byte

Also note that PHP interprets MAX_FILE_SIZE case insensitively, so maX_fILe_sIZE and Max_File_SIZE would work too.