Systemd ExecStart parameter is not accessible inside the script
Solution 1:
I found the issue, systemd is having its own rules for variables from EnvironmentFiles
It says
You may then refer to variables set in the /etc/sysconfig/httpd file with ${FOOBAR} and $FOOBAR, in the ExecStart= lines (and related lines). (${FOOBAR} expands the variable into one word, $FOOBAR splits up the variable value at whitespace into multiple words)
After I changed my line to
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ -s ${SOURCE} -b ${BACKUP} -t ${TITLE} -l backup_%i.log
My problems went away, including one with TITLE that contained white spaces. Without the {} TITLE was expanded to 3 words and since the second and third one appear without '-' to getopts, it will stop further parameter processing and thus ignore the -l backup_%i.log part
getopts implements the standard option processing, which means that it stops looking for options when it either sees an argument that's not an option ...
courtesy of