Does user `ubuntu` exist by default on Ubuntu

Is ubuntu user with group 1000:1000 standard on an Ubuntu distribution? We are trying to determine whether this user exists as I have seen it on some containers but not on a baremetal server one of the cloud providers provisoned.

Solution 1:

During the bare-metal install process, you are asked to create a user, so an "Ubuntu" user account is not necessary or desirable.

But a Cloud, Container, Pi, and Live images are pre-made -- you aren't offered the opportunity to create a user. So those images have a default "Ubuntu" user account so you can login.

The "Ubuntu" user is not required for Cloud or Container tasks. There's nothing special about the account, and it's easy enough to make real users once you have access. So some providers or end-users may delete the Ubuntu account in their own images or during provisioning. Or some admins may replace the user during their own setup.

  • For example, if you specify a user in cloud-init, that user will replace the Ubuntu user.