Looking for a word similar to "proverbial", but referring to fables or folk stories

I would like to reference something a character said in a famous childhood story, e.g. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, or, Goldilocks and the Three Bears etc. amidst normal writing.

For instance, I'll use "proverbial" below, but I'm neither sure it makes sense, nor positive it's grammatically correct. I'm also unsure a drop-in replacement exists, but I'm hopeful.

Ex.1. Don't keep crying for the proverbial wolf, Dave, or us villagers on the marketing team might just stop paying attention.

Ex.2. Looks like that part of our software isn't tuned correctly. The proverbial porridge might be just a little too hot. I'll get it just right by next Friday.

Thanks, Nik

Solution 1:

I think proverbial works, even if you're not specifically referring to proverbs. Note especially the second definition from Merriam-Webster:

pro·ver·bi·al adjective \prə-ˈvər-bē-əl\ : of, relating to, or resembling a proverb : commonly spoken of : widely known

Edit: "Proverbial" is used correctly in the examples given in the question. "Allegorical" and "fabled" both mean something different than what's intended. I'll leave the rest below just for reference and so that WS2's comment makes sense.

But you may be looking for allegorical.

Many fables would be considered allegories. Again, from Merriam-Webster:

al·le·go·ry noun \ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē\ : a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation

Solution 2:

Fabled, meaning made famous in fable